Mostafa Rokooie

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۲ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «Some programming experiences» ثبت شده است

My proxy switcher in command line and Gnome shell development for first time

After installing debian sid and gnome shell on that, And after that I found the gnome shell a cool thing, I wrote a proxy switcher in command line for myself because the original gnome-control-center proxy switcher is really useless and my usual browser - Google Chrome - is not perfect enough to have an internal proxy settings.

Now after getting familiar with gnome shell development system, I built a gnome shell extension to give me ability of switching proxy settings by some clicks, I wrote an install script for my extension+proxyswitcher and now It's available to download.

Polymorphic functions in python

Ad-hoc polymorphism is not supported in python programming language, maybe because weak type checking or something else, but many times I need to have ability to call a function in more than one way. So I should get arguments via **kwargs and implement a switch case like code to handle them.

This code implements the type of polymorphism that I need usually:

import inspect

def polymorphic(fn):
    def decorated_view(self, *args, **kwargs):
        functions = fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
        for function in functions:
            args = set(inspect.getargspec(function).args)
            if 'self' in args:

            if args.issubset(set(kwargs.keys())):
                return function(self, **kwargs)

        return None

    return decorated_view

class MyClass(object):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        def by_pk(self, pk):

        def by_name(self, name):

        return [by_pk, by_name]